Special Events
This one-hour class is an introduction
to one of the most current and comprehensive models of energy
healing. Experience the basic energy exercise routine that
is the foundation of energy strengthening and balancing. Learn
these easy and fun methods that boost vitality, improve immune
system, clear thinking, improve concentration and reduce stress.
Class Objectives:
Gain knowledge of the human energy
Expand awareness of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) as a wellness
Perform EEM’s 5 Minute Daily Routine
1Hour $25
Instructors: Jane Lehr Eckert and Maureen Paulson

The program is a 6-hour comprehensive overview of Eden
Energy Medicine guided by the ENERGY MEDICINE KIT designed
by Donna Eden. The kit includes 43 illustrated cards along
with an instructional CD and DVD. Over 30 techniques and
restorative exercises are described. The entire kit will
be reviewed and practiced which will increase the probability
of learning the exercises and incorporating the skills into
a daily wellness plan.
6 Hours $125
Instructors: e-Team

The class is based on 5000-year-old Chinese Medicine and the
art of acupuncture. Meridians are 14 energy pathways that
carry the life force energy into, through and out of the body.
Their flow is as critical as the flow of blood; your life
and health depend on both. Learn how the meridians affect
every organ and organ system in the human physiology. Get
acquainted with the 24-hour biological fluctuations of this
energy transportation system called the Meridian Flow Wheel.
Learn techniques to balance and harmonize your meridians.
Gain knowledge about how the meridians can be used to eliminate
jet lag, assist in weight control and promote wellness.
Class Objectives:
Learn 14 meridians
Gain knowledge and use of the Meridian Flow Wheel
Learn to trace meridians for energy balance
Learn 3 additional methods utilizing the meridians for health
and healing
2 hours $75
Instructors: Jane Lehr Eckert and Maureen Paulson

prerequisites for all other energy classes.
Learn the approach formulated in Traditional Chinese Medicine
of the 5 Elements or phases which can be identified in the
seasons and cycles of nature, in human physical and personality
attributes, in the qualities of music, history and in relationships.
Gain knowledge and understanding of how the primary aspects
of water, wood, fire, earth and metal can both describe
and determine the energetic balance or imbalance of every
aspect of life. Discover which of the Phases are most prominent
in your life and learn the simple exercises to achieve balance
and harmony. MERIDIAN MAGIC is a helpful prerequisite.
Class Objectives:
Identify the 2 Phases that most closely represent you
Learn the aspects of each of the 5 Elements
Assess symptoms and behaviors which indicate imbalance
Practice the exercises which bring balance and harmony
4 Hours $75
Instructors: e-Team

Chakras are the swirling energetic data centers that encode
our life story. Each chakra regulates a distinct dimension of
our personality and affects the organs in its field. When chakras
are blocked it can cause disturbances in the individual’s
life path. Releasing these blocks can boost the energy system,
enhance the life force and facilitate the ability to transform
and achieve higher consciousness.
Our small group will delve into the chakras, become familiar
with their individual and collective tasks and develop an understanding
of how they aid our quest for health and wholeness. Participants
will learn the energetic method of testing and clearing the
chakras with a friend or loved one. Share this loving gift to
support each other to be your energetic best.
Class Objectives:
Gain knowledge of the history and tradition of the seven major
Increase awareness of the chakras as an energy system
Demonstrate the ability to test, clear and balance the chakras
Experience the power of chakra balancing
2.5 Hours $100/couple $60/single
Instructors: Jane Lehr Eckert and Maureen Paulson

Radiant Circuits are the human energy system of bliss, harmony
and wellbeing. Originally called the “strange flows”
by the ancient Chinese, these brave and joyful hyperlinks spontaneously
jump throughout the human energy system to restore, maintain
and coordinate rhythms. These circuits are also responsive to
emotional thinking and intuition and are capable of moving the
energetic flow to the target of intention.
Have fun as you learn the ten Radiant Circuits. Learn techniques
to jump start these “strange flows” and activate
your circuits of bliss, optimism and optimal health.
Class Objectives:
Gain knowledge of the history and tradition of the
Chinese “strange flows”
Increase understanding of the Radiant Circuits as an energy
Demonstrate the ability to identify and locate the six Radiant
Demonstrate the ability to activate the Radiant Circuits
2 Hours $75
Instructors: Jane Lehr Eckert and Maureen Paulson

Energy tapping also known as energy psychology
is the emerging field of alternative psychotherapy and self help
that focuses on the subtle energy fields of the human body. The
tapping process is a simple mind/body technique that is based
on the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture.
Instead of using needles to stimulate change
in thinking or feeling, two fingers are tapped on specific meridian
points to balance the energy system. This self-administered procedure
is easy to learn and apply and often produces rapid results.
Class Objectives:
Increase awareness of the human energy matrix
Improve awareness of the evolution of the energy psychology
Learn two tapping algorithms
1.5 Hours $50
Instructor: Jane Lehr Eckert

Master the EEM techniques for personal use and have questions
answered by our caring and professional staff.
$8/30 Minutes or $15/1 Hour
Instructor: Maureen Paulson
Learn the 9 energy systems from Donna Eden’s energy medicine
model. This is a comprehensive overview of EEM topics and a
hands-on experience. Enjoy this exciting entre into the world
of energy and health.
2 Hours $20
Instructors: Jane Eckert and Maureen Paulson
This hands-on group is for the more seasoned student who has
been studying EEM for one or more years. The group will focus
on topics from the Cleveland study group with a concentration
on “Energy Trackers”.
2 Hours $20
Facilitators: Jane Eckert and Maureen Paulson
The fields of energy medicine and energy psychology are making
a profound contribution to our ability to manage our emotions
and our potentials. Learn how to work with the body’s
energies to shift the physiology and neurology to release unwanted
habits, maladaptive emotional response and self-limiting patterns.
Explore the many possibilities for integrating these techniques
into more traditional therapies.
2 Hours 9-11am
Instructor: Jane Eckert
This study group will watch the video lecture of renowned Anthony
A. Goodman M.D. from Montana State University teaching “Understanding
the Human Body: An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology”.
He received his B.A. from Harvard College and his Medical Doctorate
from Cornell Medical College. He trained as a surgical resident
at Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor and completed his surgical
training and chief residency at the Harvard Surgical Service
of Boston City hospital, the New England Deaconess Hospital,
the Lahey clinic and Cambridge City Hospital. He has served
as a surgeon on the hospital ship for Project HOPE and with
the U.S. Army Medical Corps. For two decades he was a general
surgeon in South Florida, specializing in the surgical treatment
of cancer, and was Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery at
the University of Miami School of Medicine. Dr. Goodman is a
Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a Diplomat of
the American Board of Surgery.
This DVD course, created by The Teaching Company, offers 32
half hour lectures. Each lecture concentrates on a particular
organ or organ system. The lecture examines the physiology of
the organ or system and Dr. Goodman discusses the more common
clinical problems that occur when something goes wrong, the
pathology of the organ or system.
The course canvasses each system: Cardiovascular System, Respiratory
System, Nervous System, Digestive System, Endocrine System,
Urinary System, Musculoskeletal System, Immune system and The
Biology of Cancer.
2 Hours Bi-monthly /3 Lectures and Discussion $15

Open yourself up to this ancient gift of healing. Learn the
fundamentals of the Usui Method of Reiki including the sacred
philosophy, hand positions and non-touching techniques. Practice
being the conduit of Divine energy and learn the basics of the
“Reiki Way”. Essential instructions and materials
provided for the beginner.
Class Objectives:
Demonstrate hand positions for self healing and healing
Gain knowledge of the lineage and tradition of Reiki
Understand the “Call to Reiki”
Identify the tenants of the “Reiki Way”
Understand the tradition of the Reiki symbols
Demonstrate the ability to draw the Reiki symbols
Demonstrate ability to perform a Reiki session
Gain awareness of the use of Reiki for healing the Earth
Demonstrate distance healing
Reiki I
9 Hours $250
Instructors: Jane Lehr Eckert, Reiki Master
Reiki II
9 Hours $ 250
Instructors: Jane Lehr Eckert, Reiki Master

“We close our eyes and observe our breath…we listen
simply to the moments of silence.” This fundamental act
has amazing and far reaching results. Mindfulness-based stress
reduction is a practice of learning to pay attention to whatever
is happening in our life by observing the habits of the mind.
This observance brings an awareness of the patterns of our thoughts.
We can then slowly begin to detach from the drama created by the
mind. And then, this tiny separation brings the freedom that allows
us to discover our own inner wisdom and calm.
Class Objectives:
Increase mind-body awareness
Gain new coping skills to manage stress
Experience the ability to release tension
with a new innovative process
Develop new ways to face change and difficulties in life
Choose from the following MBSR menu: A TWO-HOUR TASTE OF MBSR,
• A TWO-HOUR TASTE OF MBSR. Two-hour instruction includes
a CD $25
This is the full course designed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at U. Mass
Medical Center. Includes 8/2 hour classes, 4 CDs and a retreat.
MBSR Instructor: e Team

MBCT is the next generation of mindfulness and state of the
art in prevention of relapse in depression. This innovative
program is the product of over 10 years of clinical research
indicating that many individuals with 3 relapses in major depression
can avoid future relapse by learning a simple, straight forward
combination of meditation and cognitive skill-building. The
basic formula in this course is the utilization of mindful (relaxed
and focused) attention as an alternative to rumination and fear-based
thought processes.
Research clearly indicates that
worrying and over-thinking along with various other negative
thought patterns amplify and aggravate feelings of worthlessness,
guilt, fear and self-condemnation—the hallmarks of depression.
Through instruction and practice the participants will systematically
learn skills that will enhance their ability to recognize and
cope more effectively with stressful thought patterns and situations
as well as other triggers of depression and anxiety. A free
orientation precedes each 8 week program. Book with CD and workbook
are included.
The MBCT program can help people who:
• Have a diagnosis of depression or dysthymia with one
or more relapses
• Have a diagnosis of anxiety or panic disorder
• Are not in an acute phase of treatment
• Are able to concentrate and follow guided instructions
and meditation
• Are willing to commit to an 8 week program with a small
amount of homework each week
*People experiencing milder symptoms, job or personal stressors
or stress-related illnesses also find this program helpful
Class Objectives:
Recognize and disrupt habitual negative thought patterns
Learn to pay attention mindfully and non-judgmentally
Respond rather than react to people, events and thoughts
Make the helpful links between thoughts, emotions, physical
sensations and moods
Increase ability to be with uncomfortable feelings without being
overwhelmed or running away from them
8 Weeks: $300
Instructors: Jane Eckert
Both instructors received their training with Dr. Zindle Segal,
one of the authors of the seminal text.

While not everyone carries a diagnosis of depression or anxiety,
it is common to experience cycles of feeling “blue”
or periods of negative thinking that upset the quality of
life. This 8 week class follows the design and protocol of
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (see above for description
and objectives) which promotes awareness and builds skills
to identify and mediate negative moods and thought patterns.
8 Weeks: $300
Instructor: Jane Eckert

This 8 week program is a unique blend of techniques based
on current mindfulness research. It is adapted from the
experiential program founded by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn at the
University of Massachusetts, Medical Center. Mindfulness
has shown after 30 years of clinical research to have a
profound effect on one’s ability to effectively regulate
the mind and subsequent emotions and to a significant degree
physical health.
Athletes of all levels experience
blocks and barriers to peak performance. Mindfulness techniques
assist in identifying the thinking patterns and emotions
that hinder “being in the moment” and accessing
the often elusive “personal best”. Workbook
and CD included.
Improve mental fitness to enhance sport performance
Learn and practice breathing techniques to soothe and
restore painful joints and muscles
Build skills to dissipate the negative self talk that
leads to self defeat
Enhance ability to focus with quieting tools that calm
the inner chatter
Experience “in the moment” awareness to access
“personal best” performance
8 Weeks: $300
Instructor: Maureen Sloan

While not everyone carries a diagnosis of depression or
anxiety, it is common to experience cycles of feeling “blue”
or periods of negative thinking that upset the quality of
life. This 8 week class follows the design and protocol
of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (see above for description
and objectives) which promotes awareness and builds skills
to identify and mediate negative moods and thought patterns.
This group is facilitated by MBSR and MBCT instructors
to provide support to those who have completed any of
the 8 week mindfulness programs. The group format includes
a questions and answer time followed by a group meditation.
1.5 Hours: $20

This is a not-to-miss opportunity to meditate monthly
with a group. You will experience again the power of group
intention. All mindful meditators welcome! FREE

A beginner’s delight! This gentle on-the-mat class will
satisfy even the more experienced student who appreciates the
power of gentle movement. A meditation is included in each class.
Class Objectives:
Learn and practice yoga breathing
Learn basic yoga postures
Experience all the benefits of yoga with gentle instruction
Meditation experience
1 Hour 15 Minutes Weekly $12 per Session or 5 Classes for $50
Instructor: Donna Horst

The COURSE is a contemporary spiritual book that has guided people
to higher consciousness for three decades. It has been highly
esteemed by such spiritual teachers as Mary Ann Williamson, Eckhart
Tolle and David Hawkins. This channeled work has a unique language,
power and beauty and has shown many that “…there is
a better way…” to live.
Class Objectives:
Weekly study of the CIM Text, Workbook and Teacher’s Manual
1.5 Hours Weekly $10
Instructor: Vince Lisi
You may not be aware of it but a very powerful force is present
in your life. It’s called the “Law of Attraction”.
Spiritual teachers and philosophers have known these principles
for centuries. Today, a renewed interest in the subject has caused
a resurfacing of this ancient concept and seekers of all paths
are eager to learn how their intentions create realities. This
4 week class is meant to inform and inspire participants to work
with the universal spiritual law to shift the paradigm of their
lives and bring about positive change.
Class Objectives:
Gain knowledge of the principles of the Law of Attraction
Learn the techniques that promote co-creative energy
Incorporate the practice of conscious manifesting in daily living
Practice the principles which will facilitate positive conscious
4 Weeks: 1.5 Hours $200
Instructor: Jane Lehr Eckert
“Spirituality is that feature of being human concerned with
experiencing, living and expanding the best within us.”
James Nourse, Ph. D.
This 4 week class focuses on experiencing the sacred in everyday
life and choosing to awaken. Using James Nourse’s book,
SIMPLE SPIRITUALITY as a guide, and journal work as a tool to
expand awareness, multiple aspects of the path of spirit will
be reviewed and discussed. A spiritual plan that expresses individuality
and can be integrated into daily living will be encouraged.
Class Objectives:
Learn the elements of a spiritual path
Experience a variety of meditative styles
Design a practice that suits present schedule and lifestyle
4 Weeks: 1.5 Hours: Cost $140
Instructor: Jane Lehr Eckert

The discovery of one’s highest Self is a basic human quest.
Yet this calling often becomes buried under the distractions and
drama of everyday life. Dormant and unconscious, this call awaits
an opportunity to be activated. Pain, fear and tragedy provide
the impetus for the call to be realized by presenting a portal
for the awakening process.
Join us for this 8 week group which is designed as an affirmative
system to facilitate self-discovery, awareness, cognitive-behavioral
change and ultimately transformation. Group sessions integrate
body-mind-spirit skills, energy techniques and meditative practices
to promote awareness and spiritual awakening.
Class Objectives:
Learn the 5 shifts that lead to transformation
Identify the resistances to change
Experience the techniques that nurture the change process
Create a daily practice to foster the change process
4 Weeks: Cost $320
Instructor: Jane Lehr Eckert
Studio e on the Move
As part of our commitment to bring energy education to the community,
Studio e offers a variety of energy-based workshops
to businesses, schools, libraries and hospitals. We would be happy
to work with you to design a program that meets the needs of your
For more information, or to schedule a program for your group,
contact Maureen Paulson, manager, Studio e, at
330.808.8558 or click here to email
